Flash Fiction Friday – Inciting Incident

Just a little something I threw together because I was thinking about how rarely we get portal fantasies and other real-world adjacent fantasy stories with adult protagonists. Hope you like it! Inciting Incident It wasn’t the lemon curd that was the problem. Lydia was like 98% sure of that At first she’d thought it was too sweet, then that it Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Inciting Incident

The Virtual Cookie Exchange Blog Hop!

Today’s ThinkKit prompt is replaced by this post: my entry in Linda Poitevin’s Virtual Cookie Exchange Blog Hop.!  I was tagged by Debbie Vega (thank you!) who shared a recipe for some delicious-sounding pumpkin peanut butter chocolate chip cookies. The hop is really simple: you share a cookie recipe and tag four more people to do the same the following week. The four I’ve Continue reading The Virtual Cookie Exchange Blog Hop!