The Virtual Cookie Exchange Blog Hop!

Today’s ThinkKit prompt is replaced by this post: my entry in Linda Poitevin’s Virtual Cookie Exchange Blog Hop.!  I was tagged by Debbie Vega (thank you!) who shared a recipe for some delicious-sounding pumpkin peanut butter chocolate chip cookies.

The hop is really simple: you share a cookie recipe and tag four more people to do the same the following week. The four I’ve tagged will post a recipe on Tuesday, December 23 and tag four more people to post on December 30.

Well, on to the recipe! This is a recipe for toffee-ginger cookies. There’s no actual toffee in them but it tastes sort of like it. They’re really simple to make, delicious and very appropriate around Christmas because of the ginger. Unfortunately I don’t currently have a picture to post as I haven’t made them since last Christmas.

Ingredients (please note that the measurements are in the metric system. It’s pretty easy to convert if you need to):

125 grams butter (room temperature)
1 deciliters sugar
2 tablespoons syrup
2.25 deciliters flour
0.5 tea spoons baking powder
1 teaspoon vanilla sugar
1 teaspoon ginger

The preparation is simple: mix butter, sugar and syrup and then add the other ingredients. Divide the dough into three parts and roll out to three round lengths about the length of a baking sheet. Flatten the rolls by pushing down on them with a fork, diagonally so that you leave indentations across. Bake in the oven at 175° C for 12-15 minutes. Once done, let them cool of a little but not enough to go stiff, then slice diagonally into the size of your preference.

Simple and yummy!

I am tagging Zee Southcombe, J. C. Hart, Cathrine Mede and Amanda Stanley. I look forward to seeing their recipes on the 16th!

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