Flash Fiction Fr-aturday – Thrift Store Portal

It’s been a while since I posted flash fiction, huh? I actually had this idea yesterday after an interesting thrift store experience, but I was too tired to write it until today. I just love putting portals in strange places. Hope you enjoye! Thrift Store Portal Julie inhaled deeply and rolled her shoulders, shifting the plastic bag from one hand Continue reading Flash Fiction Fr-aturday – Thrift Store Portal

Flash Fiction Friday – Inciting Incident

Just a little something I threw together because I was thinking about how rarely we get portal fantasies and other real-world adjacent fantasy stories with adult protagonists. Hope you like it! Inciting Incident It wasn’t the lemon curd that was the problem. Lydia was like 98% sure of that At first she’d thought it was too sweet, then that it Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Inciting Incident

Flash Fiction Friday – The Portal

About time I got back to these posts! This one is inspired by a perpetually out of order stall in a bathroom at a nearby mall. I gotta admit, now that I’ve written this I kinda wanna turn it into a longer story… Hope you like it! The Portal “What the fuck??”Tina blinked slowly at the absurd sight that stretched Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – The Portal