Twice Fortnightly – Almost over the hurdle

Tonight I turned in my second to last term paper. The last one is already a week late (aaaah!) but should be finished tomorrow (yaaaay!). Which means that on Wednesday, I can finally shift my focus back to writing (have really only done Adventboost in the last week or two and nothing else), with the following goals:

  • Spend 10h on writing. It’s not super much since I’ll have no work or school but a) there’s the holidays and b) it’s really a 5 day week for me, since today and tomorrow are swamped with school.
  • Do Adventboost daily.​ Last week, woot woot!
  • Stream Thursday Morning Tea Time with a bit of:
    • Lexember! and
    • Flash Fiction Friday drafting!
  • Sit down and get a handle on my writing-goals for 2018. I already have a fair idea​ of what I want to achieve but I need to have a proper sit-down and make sure my priorities are well-arranged.

I don’t think these goals will actually amount to 10h but I think I’ll leave the rest open, at least until I’ve got a grasp on my goals for next year. I ended up deciding not to submit anything for that anthology I’ve mentioned. There just wasn’t time to do my idea justice. I’ll still finish the story later.

That’s about it, lovelies. Hope you all have a great holiday, whether you’re celebrating or not.

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