Twice Fortnightly – New-ish Projects

I hope you’ve all had a good week! I’ve had a okay week myself. This week I’m back to my original routine of worldbuilding, studying and writing as opposed to worldbuilding, writing and worldbuilding. To be honest, the double worldbuilding sessions didn’t make too much of a difference, I wasted most of them overthinking things and not working. Hopefully this week will be a bit more productive! I’ve started a new assignment for Uni and a new short story for Camp. I am at 11k with one finished and I want to finish 3 in total so I’ll have to speed up a bit. Should be ok, though. I will also be premiering a new type of blog post this week, too, so that’s exciting!

I posted another piece of flash fiction last week, The Letter. I’m quite happy with that one!

There isn’t much else for me to say to be honest. And since my tummy is calling for a banana and my bones for sleep, I’ll leave it off there!


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