Twice Fortnightly – Wattpad Up?

I thought this was gonna be a real bummer of an update, but when I tallied up my daily writing for the past week I realized I haven’t been quite as lazy as I thought. I’ve been procrastinating my editing terribly, though. Bad Emma, no cookie! Okay, one cookie, but only one. Anyhowzers, this week I have:

  • Almost started looking at the exercises from the next chapter of One Year to a Writing Life and almost remembered to post my exercises from last month. Oops!
  • Written about ~900 words during my daily writing sessions, including one haiku. Most of it has been for the same projects I mentioned last week.
  • Joined Wattpad! I’ve only been a member for like two days, but it seems like a seriously cool place. I haven’t decided exactly what I’ll put up there yet, but most likely I will eventually post some short stories and things, and maybe some old poetry (and some new poetry, but I don’t write as much poetry these days). Of course the main “point” of Wattpad seems to be serialized longer fiction so I’d like to do that eventually too, but I haven’t decide on what stories I think would be suited for it. And of course, I plan to read other peoples’ stuff on there, too! If you want to follow me on Wattpad, my username is EmmaLindhagen.

Well, you guys, I’m gonna go look at those writing exercises now. Have a lovely week, everyone!

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