#AdventBoost Day 7 – Monster Pop! by Maya Kern

It’s time for another webcomic boost, guys! Today I want to tell you about Monster Pop! Look at that art style! How cute is that!? I’ll be honest; the art style was the only reason I started reading this comic when I first joined Tapastic. But it was a good choice because it’s got a great character gallery and good Continue reading #AdventBoost Day 7 – Monster Pop! by Maya Kern

#AdventBoost Day 5 – Monsterhearts!

Today I have something a bit different for #Adventboost. Monsterhearts is a tabletop RPG. Ever wanted to pretend you were Buffy? Or the MC in a YA paranormal romance novel? Then this is the RPG for you! To save us all from my awful pitching skills, here’s the official description from the game’s second edition’s Kickstarter page: By the time they Continue reading #AdventBoost Day 5 – Monsterhearts!

#AdventBoost Day 4 – Poison Kiss by Ana Mardoll

Today is a second Sunday of advent and I have an extra special boost for you all. Now obviously, I only rec things I like, but this one is a special favorite! It is hands down the best book I’ve read this year: Poison Kiss by Ana Mardoll. Poison Kiss is a fantasy (poly) romance novel about Rose, a young woman who Continue reading #AdventBoost Day 4 – Poison Kiss by Ana Mardoll

#AdventBoost Day 3 – Rock and Riot by Chelsey Furedi

Another #Adventboost, another webcomic. I’ll be honest: there’s probably gonna be a lot of webcomics in this boost series. This has been such a weird year, I feel like most my media consumption has been webcomics and RPG streams. Not much book-reading, to be honest. Anyway! Today I want to tell you about Rock and Riot by Chelsey Furedi. Tripped over this Continue reading #AdventBoost Day 3 – Rock and Riot by Chelsey Furedi

#AdventBoost Day 2 – The Substitutes by Myisha Haynes

Hi guys, and welcome to day 2 of #Adventboost! Today I want to point you all in the direction of the awesome webcomic The Substitutes by Myisha Haynes. I tripped over this gem by accident recently, and it was one of those moments where I read a couple of pages and then was stuck and had to keep reading, only to discover Continue reading #AdventBoost Day 2 – The Substitutes by Myisha Haynes

#AdventBoost Day 1 – Capricious

Yesterday NaNoWriMo finished, so today I am doing what any sensible writer would do… rushing headlong into another project! Starting today, and up until Christmas Eve, I will be posting daily on the blog to signal boost a marginalized creative person (or a project by such a person). I call it… #Adventboost! A word of warning: this has been a Continue reading #AdventBoost Day 1 – Capricious