Flash Fiction Friday – Språkförbistring

The title of today’s flash fiction post, Språkförbistring, is a Swedish word I haven’t really found an English translation I like for. It refers to the idea of communication failing due to speaking past each other or just not understanding the language being used. It’s apparently used in the Swedish Bible to refer to the whole Tower of Babel thing, but Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Språkförbistring

Adventboost 2017 – Day 20 & 21 – Ash Hardell & Jessica Kellgren-Fozard

Hey everyone, welcome to another rendition of “Emma was super busy yesterday so she’d posting a two-for-one boost of similar things”. Last night I played D&D and then went for beers and was out waaaay later than I had planned. Oops! But anyway, today I’m boosting two YouTubers:   Ash Hardell Ash Hardell is queer author and YouTuber who posts Continue reading Adventboost 2017 – Day 20 & 21 – Ash Hardell & Jessica Kellgren-Fozard

Twice Fortnightly – Steady Progress

Another week, another Monday! As of today I’ve had the first session with 3 out of the 4 modules I’m taking this term and they’ve all been fantastic. I am quite sure tomorrow’s first Phonology session will be equally great. This is gonna be a fun term! And last night, I finally pledged for some stuff on Patreon which I’ve been meaning Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Steady Progress

Twice Fortnightly – Fall Term 2017

Hey there, lovelies. Another Tuesday, another late Monday blog, hah. I had a very busy day yesterday, and by the time it was evening I was so tired that I forgot everything about my (recently somewhat lacking) blogging schedule. Whoops! Last night, I had a meeting with my new job to prepare and participate in, which meant a lot of Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Fall Term 2017