Twice Fortnightly: What I’ve been up to this past week.

Inspired by the lovely Zee Southcombe and her “Week the Was” posts I’ve decided to do a weekly update every Monday, detailing what I’ve been up to (in terms of writing) during the past week. I used to do a weekly post on my old, non-writing blog and I quite enjoyed that, so I think I will enjoy this too. I find Continue reading Twice Fortnightly: What I’ve been up to this past week.

Games and Goals

Since I’m doing Camp NaNoWriMo a word that’s constantly on my mind is: Goals! I’m talking, of course, about word goals. I’m drafting a novella for Camp and my overall word goal is 30k by the end of the month. This leaves me with a daily word goal of an, in my opinion, reasonably leisurely 1k per day. It doesn’t really Continue reading Games and Goals