Twice Fortnightly – More Baby Steps

It’s been a pretty good week, here. Nice weather and a lot of things checked off the to-do list. Mostly small things, but it’s progress anyway. I’ve had a strange feeling of being very busy and at the same time not really doing anything. In spite of that, this past week I have: Done my daily writing, just random bits Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – More Baby Steps

Twice Fortnightly – I survived Camp! So… Now what?

That’s right, I survived Camp NaNo once again! I even won, reaching my word goal of 50k, which feels pretty dang awesome. Writing this story was a bit of a wild ride; it sprawled all over the place like a well-fed weed. It also decided that it wants to be a graphic novel when it grows up, which is a Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – I survived Camp! So… Now what?