Twice Fortnightly – Post Untitled

Yeah, no, no titles coming to me tonight. I’ve written like 5 blog posts today for the Blog Ahead challenge, that might be why. Just gonna get straight to it. This week I have: Finished working on Erziyye’s currents! Yay! Will be posting about them on Wednesday. Done a good bit of NaNo prep in terms of worldbuilding (not quite Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – Post Untitled

Twice Fortnightly – I survived Camp! So… Now what?

That’s right, I survived Camp NaNo once again! I even won, reaching my word goal of 50k, which feels pretty dang awesome. Writing this story was a bit of a wild ride; it sprawled all over the place like a well-fed weed. It also decided that it wants to be a graphic novel when it grows up, which is a Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – I survived Camp! So… Now what?