Flash Fiction Friday – When Mama Died

This poor, neglected blog, you knows. I’ll do better, pinky promise. Today I bring you a short piece that’s part of the backstory of one of my D&D characters. I love this character so much, and it’s also nice to be able to write, and even be kinda poetic-proseish like below, but not feel the pressure of a larger project. Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – When Mama Died

Twice Fortnightly – That lovely smell…

…of printer ink! This is the MS for my next big project. Rougly 105 pages which took my wee printer a good long time to write. I drafted this project during Camp NaNo in April, and it is chaos! It’s totally anachronic (not in a good way!) and has a bunch of viewpoint characters with very different lenghts of sections (two have Continue reading Twice Fortnightly – That lovely smell…