Twice Fortnightly – New Month, New Page

How did it get to be April already? The beginning of the year went at a leisurely pace for me but March just galloped by! This is a big month for me. First month in over 6 years without a stable income. It feels wrong to say I’m unemployed, because I’m registered in some temping agencies where it should be fairly easy to get some shifts, but I’m unemployeder than last week, at any rate. It feels weird to have so little off my week actually planned ahead of time. I might end up working two or three days this week anyway, it just tends to be very last minute with temping so if it happens, I don’t know it yet… Time will tell!

Last week, while an emotional week in many ways for me, was a pretty good writing-week. Here’s what I did:

  • Hit my 9 hour goal, again! And for once, it was not by the skin of my teeth. In fact, I hit 6 hours on Friday which was really good because so far I’ve been doing most of my writing Saturday and Sunday.
  • Had crit group! My new story made a good first impression it seemed, so I’m happy about that!
  • Wrote a piece for Flash Fiction Friday! Based on a TV show my brain made up in a dream.
  • Conlanged a single word, and decided to add conlanging to my weekly tracker and force myself to at least spend some time thinking about it daily.
  • Finish the non-tricky Dress Rehearsal Rag scenes.
  • I kinda-sorta started Camp NaNoWriMo. I started it by realizing I’m not feeling the stories I’ve lined up for #12for12stories right now and I need others if I’m gonna manage Camp.

So this week, I will:

  • Do 10 hours of writing. That’s a one hour increase from the last few weeks. I want to just say I’ll do 15 or 20 hours, but I’d rather set my goal lower and exceed it if I don’t get any temping shifts, that sent my goals high and miss them if work does pop up.
  • Finish the difficult scenes from Going Home. Like, actually do it.
  • Do Flash Fiction Friday.
  • Pick my (new) February story for Camp NaNo and start working on it.
  • ​Poke my conlang daily. Even if it’s just thinking about it on the bus or adding a single lexeme or listen to podcasts. I am loosing steam with it and I don’t want to do that, so at least for a while this’ll be a daily habit.

Should be a good week, I think. Good night, lovelies.


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