Hello, World! It’s Emma calling.

When you start a new WordPress blog, a placeholder post is created with the title “Hello World”. Well, that seems to sum up what I want to say right now quite well. Hello, World. This is my blog. Welcome.

My name is Emma. I’m a writer. I’m other things too, and if you want to know more about me, you can read more here. In the near future I will be publishing my first book, a dystopian novella entitled “Going Home”. This blog is meant to function as a platform from which I can drum up interest in the book, and other books I plan to write in the future. It’ll also be a place where I can write about writing, about tools I’ve used and things I’ve learned, projects I’m working on and projects I want to work on. I’m not sure exactly how it’ll develop, but I’m quite excited to find out.

Thank you for reading, and check back shortly for new updates.

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