Flash Fiction Friday – Runaway, Swept Away

My parents recently got an electric car, and I’m fascinated by how it doesn’t vroom as it approaches, it just sort of… sings. Like a space ship. So I wrote this. Runaway, Swept Away The street is quiet, the apartment blocks tall and dark and brooding. Haley shifts her weight from foot to foot, peering down toward the bend around Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Runaway, Swept Away

Flash Fiction Friday – Two years too far away

This flash fic piece was based on a prompt from Seventh Sanctum! Hope you enjoy it. Two years too far away The planet is my greatest betrayer. I have to see it that way, because the only other alternative is admitting that it’s my own body that is letting me down. With a life-expectancy of 87, I was supposed to Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Two years too far away

Flash Fiction Friday – Unreality

Okay yeah, it’s Sunday but here we are. Today’s tiny piece is brought to you by Sims 4 and the Star Trek holodeck. Enjoy! Unreality Annalise swiped lazily through the gallery, not quite knowing what she was looking for but also knowing just what she was looking for. It was a “know it when I see it” kind of situation, Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Unreality

Flash Fiction Friday – Practice makes Plummet

This little snippet isn’t based on a dream, but it’s sort of a prequel of a story I want to write based on a dream. I hope you enjoy it! Practice makes Plummet I finish another set of breathing exercises and drink a small glass of water with a few drops of that tincture the Ambassador gave me to keep Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Practice makes Plummet

Flash Fiction Friday – Is this your wormling?

It’s not terribly uncommon for me to write flash fic based on my own dreams but today I’m coming at you with a twist – flash fic based on my spouse’s dream. A silly piece that I hope you enjoy! Is this your wormling? Amir was enjoying his entree and the fact that all of the people sitting near him Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Is this your wormling?

Flash Fiction Friday – Hunter pt. 2

I felt like poking this idea from last week a bit more tonight, so here we are. Not as strong, I think, but I’m still enjoying dipping my toes into this character and seeing what I find. Not totally sure where this is going but we’ll see. Hunter pt. 2 I get to the village just before sundown. Village is Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Hunter pt. 2