One Year to a Writing Life – September – The Alchemy of Writing

So, the chapter from One Year to a Writing Life that I did in September was called The Alchemy of Writing. It was a bit of a weird one. It was about finding an idea and turning it from a little nugget into a story through a series of steps. It started, like the earlier chapter on dreams and writing, with Continue reading One Year to a Writing Life – September – The Alchemy of Writing

One Year to a Writing Life – April – The Short Story and the Short-short

Boy, did it take me a while to get around to writing this post! I was a bit burnt out on blogging after the A to Z challenge, I think. Anyway, through some miracle I managed to do the Chapter 4 exercises from One Year to a Writing Life during April in spite of said challenge and Camp NaNoWriMo. They are, admittedly, Continue reading One Year to a Writing Life – April – The Short Story and the Short-short

For Camp NaNo this April, I’m chasing shiny squirrels

I think that most people who enjoy writing fiction and have made any serious attempt at completing a larger project are familiar with The New Shiny™. For those of you who aren’t familiar, The New Shiny™ is that new idea that glimmers at the periphery of your field of vision, distracting you while you try to complete some other, often Continue reading For Camp NaNo this April, I’m chasing shiny squirrels

One Year to a Writing Life – February – Personal Essay

The second chapter in A Year to a Writing Life features the personal essay. This is a genre I haven’t had much experience with, unless you count blogging and those tedious “What did you do during the summer break?” assignments they kept giving me at school. The exercises in this chapter were quite different from in the first chapter. Instead of Continue reading One Year to a Writing Life – February – Personal Essay

One Year to a Writing Life – January – Journaling

Last July, I participate in Camp NaNoWriMo. During the course of the project I drafted and did a first revision of my novella Going Home (which is now in the later stages of revision) and as a reward to myself for completing the project I decided to purchase a book on writing. After some browsing, I settled on One Year to a Continue reading One Year to a Writing Life – January – Journaling

Going Home – A dystopian novella about family, memory and identity

Going Home is actually one of my absolute oldest ideas, dating back to when I was 14 (so about 2002). Back then it was supposed to be a YA novel series about a school for spies, which I thought up while reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. About half a dozen metamorphoses later it has changed genre, plot, world, themes, Continue reading Going Home – A dystopian novella about family, memory and identity