#AdventBoost Day 10 and 11 – 2-in-1 of Book Reviewers!

Yeah, another 2-in-1 post. Yesterday I was dungeon master for a game of D&D for the first time. It was an absolute blast but I was so exhausted afterward I literally couldn’t form coherent sentences. So a double post today it is!

Today I want to tell you about two very cool book blogs. I know reviewers aren’t commonly counted under the “creatives” umbrella, but I think they are such an indespensibly force in the online book community that I feel they make sense on a blog series like this.

The first blog I want to tell you about is Bogi Reads the World. It is run by Bogi Takács, who is a Hungarian Jewish agender trans person, and covers a very wide variety of types of texts, inlcuding fiction, poetry and non-fiction. The blog takes a special interest in marginalized authors and Bogi also tweets diverse book recommendations under the hashtags #diversestories and #diversepoems. I have found so many books I want to read, or staunchly want to avoid reading, through Bogi Reads the World and I have found the reviews of book pertaining to intersex and trans issues and characters particularly interesting.

Bogi is also an amazing spec-fic writer. I came across em for the first time in an issue of Capricious (which I wrote about on day 1 of Advent Boost). Eir story The Need for Overwhelming Sensation is gorgeous and a Capricious fave of mine. You can find eir main website here, and follow em on twitter @bogiperson.

The second blog I want to boost is The Word Contessa, which is run by Nufaiza Hussein, a Sri Lankan muslim feminist book-lover. She reviews a wide variety of fiction, particularly YA and NA but some adult as well. I happened across this the Word Contessa just the other day, through a tweet with a link to a review of a muslim romance novel. I realized then that I’ve never actually read a muslim romance novel, and barely any other books where muslims get to have romantic feelings and relationships without the concept of arranged marriage being involved. The realization made me decide to subscribe to the Word Contessa, and then casually browse the blog and adding things to my Goodreads TBR-list. I really need to get better about reading wider, and I think keeping up with book bloggers who come from different places and backgrounds than me is a great way to do that! You can also follow Nufaiza on Twitter @wordcontessa.

I hope you’ll all enjoy these websites as much as I do, and if you do please share with your friends. After all, boosting book bloggers is like a double-boost, because the bloggers themselves do so much boosting!

One Reply to “#AdventBoost Day 10 and 11 – 2-in-1 of Book Reviewers!”

  1. Pingback: Adventboost 2017 – Day 11 – Iwunen Insterstellar Investigations by Bogi Takács – Emma Lindhagen

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