Twice Fortnightly – Blurbstorming!

Do you ever have those nights when you’re just gonna watch one episode of a show and it turns out to be a double-length episode and then suddenly it’s nearly 1 a.m. and your WordPress app keeps crashing and your boyfriend’s killing orcs or something on the computer so you put off blogging until the next day? No? Well, that’s the sort of night I had last night, hence why I’m typing this now, in the light of day! I really am getting a little too good as procrastinating. Gotta start working out those productivity muscles again!

This week has been weird. In between work and socializing and volunteering and studying I’ve been crazy busy. I slept awfully, too. My Friday blog flew out the window because I was high on being back in Middle Earth again after watching the first half of the Fellowship of the Ring with my parents, first re-watch in ages. My Wednesday blog flew out the window because… well, suddenly it was Thursday! I only did minimal work on my short stories. Still, I feel like I’ve had a productive writing-week (given the low number of hours I can spend on it). I did a fun thing that I’ve not really done before and that I’m calling blurbstorming. It works like so:

The discerning reader might remember that both Going Home and Dress Rehearsal Rag are named for Leonard Cohen songs. As such, of course I feel obliged to name any future stories about Orryn after Cohen songs, too. So for the last few days I’ve spent quite a bit of time listening to Cohen songs and then trying to answer the question “if this track was an Orryn book, what would its one-to-two-line blurb be?”. In a lot of cases, the answer has been “???”. In some other cases, it’s been “well, this is so general it could go just about anywhere”. But for a few, I’ve actually manage to pin down vague ideas. I won’t go as far as saying I know how the series will continue, not yet, but I have a much clearer idea of what the broad strokes are likely to be and I’ve developed some of the vague ideas I’ve had from before a bit further. Even though it might be years before I draft my next Orryn-book, it feels really great to have mad some progress with it. I’ve now gone through a bit more than half of Cohens titles and jotted down notes for them. Looking forward to seeing what ideas the rest of them will bring, and what I can figure out by continuing to work with this list. Since I’m so excited about this, it’s going on my to-do list for this week, and I will:

  • Add the remaining Cohen titles to my list and brainstorm around them, and also spend a bit of time going through the list and seeing what the major themes and ideas that jump out at me are.
  • Keep working on the Patreon short (and not the other one, that one can wait)
  • Post Flash Fiction Friday
  • Post another post, on whichever day since Wednesday keeps going woooosh!
  • Actually send in my VAT declaration. Enough already! It’s actually due this week so I really have to.

This should keep me busy, on top of everything else! Have a good day, ya’ll!

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