Flash Fiction… Funday? – Felled

So many effs. I wrote this yesterday (also not a Friday, hah), but forgot to post it. It’s set in the same world as one of my WIPs but not actually related to the story. Hope you enjoy it! Felled As soon as the bolt left the bow, Elker knew it would find its mark. It buried itself deep in Continue reading Flash Fiction… Funday? – Felled

Flash Fiction Friday – Wall-runner

I’ve been reading through my next big WIP this week, and gods am I excited to be working on it. It’s gonna be so good! Eventually… In the mean time, here’s a little snippet of an unnamed side-character. She might not even turn up in the book, to be honest. I mostly wanted to explore this particular part of the Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Wall-runner

Flash Fiction Friday – Ambitions (NaNoWriMo ’17 Backstory Snippet)

Hi lovelies. I’m too tired to type a proper post tonight since it’s past 1 am, but I wrote a snippet from the backstory of my NaNoWriMo MCs. Yay! Ambitions The sun was beginning to set over the courtyard, but it wasn’t the evening chill that made Verena’s leg bounce up and down where she sat on the bench. She’d Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Ambitions (NaNoWriMo ’17 Backstory Snippet)