Flash Fiction Friday – The Other Dimension

I asked Twitter for writing prompts for tonight, and a good Twitter-friend, Signý suggested I write about me and my friends getting sucked into another dimension. So I did. Me and her, more specifically. Here we go: “Uh-oh,” I said when the rift in reality appeared directly adjecent to my coffee table. “That doesn’t look good at all.” The next Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – The Other Dimension

Camp NaNo Inspiration

Inspiration can come from all kinds of things, from the mundane to the fantastic. My current project for Camp NaNoWriMo has been inspired by, among other things and in no particular order: River Song from Doctor Who Vests and bodices The color blue Zhaan from Farscape The notion of identity Spiders Axolotls The combination of white, black and burgundy Non-traditional relationships and chosen Continue reading Camp NaNo Inspiration

Fancy a Cuppa?

There are many drinks in the world that I enjoy ingesting. A nice, small scotch. Glass of red wine. Some sodas. Hot cocoa. Even the occasional cup of coffee. But none of them compare to my favorite beverage of all, my near constant companion in life: a cup of tea. When I’m at home, I almost always have a cup Continue reading Fancy a Cuppa?