Flash Fiction Friday – Eventually

Today’s flash fic is inspired by the cashier at the board game store checking that I knew I had the kid’s version of a game. When I don’t know what to write, I seem to gravitate toward meet-cutes lately. Eventually Angie sighed and shoved the box back into her bag. What a silly thing to do! She’d just seen the Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Eventually

Flash Fiction Friday – Waiting To Board

Technically it’s Saturday here but I go by my usual rule of “it’s Friday until I go to sleep” so here’s a Flash Fiction Friday snippet. It’s a tiny meet-cute! Waiting To Board His thumb hovered over the screen, ready to tap the moment the next, and final, question of the night. It wasn’t often he made it all the Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – Waiting To Board

Flash Fiction Friday – The Capybara

I felt like writing something cute today, so I decided to use this meet-cute generator and write the adorable opening paragraphs from some hypothetical story. I got this prompt in my first batch: “One character finds the lost toy of the other character’s child.” and since I’ve been watching a lot of Dream Daddy streams lately, of course I had to use Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – The Capybara