Flash Fiction Friday – That’s No Elf!

We’ve been watching The Rings of Power so here’s a little elfy snippet. Hope you enjoy! That’s No Elf! The thing about Elves is that they’ve always frightened me a little. Not the way that wolves and their slavering jaws frighten me, or the way that lightning does. No, the way that the waters that fall from the Cliffs of Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – That’s No Elf!

Flash Fiction Friday – The Immortal

Hey guys! It’s time for Flash Fiction Friday! I was watching the first half of Return of the King today with my parents, and tonight’s flash fiction piece, rather than being a Dixit prompt or from some prompt generator, is inspired by the character Arwen and the idea of an immortal sire to mortal progeny. Here it is: The girl had Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday – The Immortal